CC004: Why Mercy Matters, Part 2


(You can listen to Part 1 of this episode right here)

The Jubilee Year of Mercy is now over, but forgiveness, compassion and love are all virtues that Catholics should practice each and every day. In part 2 of our episode on mercy, Bishop Wall gives advice on how to put these concepts into practice, and lays out some steps that anyone can take in order to become more merciful.

Discussion points:


00:34 – What actionable steps can be taken for us to be more merciful? (Hint: we can look to the homeless, the poor, and our own friends and family)
02:20 – how to mindfully prepare ourselves to practice mercy
04:08 – How can we show mercy towards people who we dislike, or who are cruel to us?
7:00 – How the idea of mercy and the New Evangelization are tied together, and how Pope Francis is leading the way in showing mercy through his words and actions
08:37 – Why the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are important
09:54 –  Bishop Wall’s hope for the Gallup Diocese when it comes to mercy – for couples, for students, for neighbors
12:35 – Bishop Wall recently led a pilgrimage to California missions founded by St. Junipero Serra. What example does this saint provide to Catholics, especially those who live in states with old Franciscan missions?
14:25 – We’re only human, and we may often fail in trying to show mercy. How do we re-center our focus on being merciful when we fail? What do we do when struggling to forgive someone, especially when we are hurting deeply?  



Useful Resources:

Misericordiae Vultus, by Pope Francis, declaring the Year of Mercy

The Gospel of Luke – Jesus gives us three stories that exemplify the practice of mercy, in Chapter 15: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son

Send us your questions!

Do you have a question for Bishop Wall? Leave it in the comments below, send us a message on Facebook, or email us at [email protected].

Thanks for listening!


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