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Friday, July 19, 2024

All Stories

Saints for Today: Hilary of Poitiers, Father and Doctor of the Church (315-368)

Twenty-first-century readers may lift an eyebrow when they learn that Hilary, a married man with a daughter, was acclaimed bishop of Poitiers, France, in 353.

The Annulment Process and Forgiviness of Abortion: How Pope Francis is Spreading God’s Mercy

Pope Francis has extended the ability to forgive the sin of abortion to all priests, and made permanent changes to the annulment process. We break down how these two issues will affect the Church.

Saints for Today: Thomas Becket, Archbishop & Martyr (1118-1170)

The inspiration behind Geoffrey Chaucer’s epic medieval poem “Canterbury Tales” was Becket’s martyrdom, a horrific incident that turned Canterbury Cathedral into one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in Europe.

Two Stories, One Vocation: Deacons Recall the Path to Ordination

Deacon Greg Carlson's life was dedicated to God before birth; Deacon Robert Badger found Catholicism after leaving Mormonism.

Diaconate Ordination 2015

On Saturday, December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bishop Wall ordained two men to the order of the Diaconate. Greg Carlson,...

From the Bishop: Opening the Door to the Year of Mercy

The opening of a door is a physical reminder of God's call to grace.

Diocese Welcomes New Chancellor

The impact of the Chancellor's office, Deacon Copeland says, is turned outward across the whole Diocese. “Certainly the purpose of the chancery is not to serve itself, but to serve the entire Diocese."

Saints for Today: John of the Cross, Mystic and Doctor of the Church (1542-1591)

A man of very small physical stature, John, as poet and mystic, is among the giants.

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