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Friday, July 19, 2024

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Saints for Today: Ambrose, Bishop & Doctor of the Church (339-397)

When the Empress Justina attempted to extort two basilicas from Ambrose’s Catholics and give them to the Arians, Ambrose dared the eunuchs of the court to execute him.

Benedictine Nuns Celebrate 25 Years of Work and Prayer

“We've come to the monastery to seek God, and well, have we found him?”

Saints for Today: Andrew the Apostle (1st Century)

After Jesus’ Crucifixion, tradition says that Andrew carried the Gospel to Byzantium, Russia, Romania, and Greece.

The Catholic Church in Tuba City

In the 1870s, a heavy Mormon presence in the area led to one of the Hopi leaders, Tuuvi, converting to Mormonism.

Saints for Today: Gertrude the Great, Mystic (1256-1302)

Gertrude is the only woman saint to be called “Great.”

For Brand-New Franciscan Priest, Vocation is Inspired by Joy

At just 14 years of age, Andres Gallegos joined the Franciscan order.

Saints for Today: Frances Xavier Cabrini, Religious (1850-1917)

Mother Cabrini was the first United States citizen canonized. She is the Universal Patron Saint of Immigrants.

Chapter 11 Late September, October Documents

Notice of Auction Results (Arizona Property) Notice of Auction Results (New Mexico Property) Motion for Order Extending the Deadline for Filing Avoidance Actions Stipulated Tolling Agreement Extending...

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