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Thursday, July 18, 2024

All Stories

Local and National Bishops: Supreme Court Ruling is a “Tragic Error”

The nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable.

Two Men Ordained to Priesthood for the Diocese of Gallup

"After I saw the need for priests, I realized: I'm willing to do that, if God wants to send me."

Chapter 11 June Documents

Order Granting Motion to Retain Property and Approve Sale Procedures Clarification Regarding Zuni Tribe Letter  Fourth Verified Statement Regarding Authorization of Employment of Quarles & Brady

Saints for Today: John the Baptist, Martyr (1st Century)

John is generally recognized as the last in the line of Hebrew prophets that led directly to Jesus Christ.

Pope Francis blasts abortion, population control in new encyclical

"Respect for creation and human dignity go hand in hand."

Saints for Today: John Fisher, Bishop & Martyr

Fisher is chiefly remembered as the primary advocate of Catherine of Aragon.

Annual Region 13 Diaconate Conference Scheduled for July 10 – 12

The Region 13 conference, held in Farmington NM, is an annual gathering of Deacons from the Four Corner state and Wyoming. The purpose of...

Saints for Today: Boniface, Bishop & Martyr (673-754)

On a day previously announced, in the presence of a tense crowd, he attacked with an axe Donar’s sacred oak on Mount Gudenburg. The huge tree crashed, splitting into four parts.

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Farmington parishioners recount “joyful” experience at Guatemalan school

A personal account of the new friendship between a Guatemalan school and a parish in the Diocese of Gallup.

Southwest Catholic Youth Conference: calling young people to a joyful life in Christ

“We strive to teach teens of their inherent dignity, and incomparable worth as a son or daughter of God."

The 6 Best Lenten Smartphone Apps

While Catholics have been observing Lent for thousands of years, it's only in the 21st century that we've gained access to the vast wealth of information and convenience that smartphones provide.