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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Church in New Mexico criticizes assisted suicide ruling

Albuquerque, N.M., Jan 24, 2014 / 02:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A New Mexico judge was wrong to rule that there is a “right” to...

Notice of Objection Deadlines Regarding Creditors’ Committee Legal Counsel

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Saints for Today: Paul, Apostle (1st Century)

Feast Day: January 25 An important feast day for most of the main churches, Paul’s conversion signifies the overwhelming power of the Christian faith to...

Chapter 11 Filing: Bishop Wall’s New Year Letter

TO THE LAITY, RELIGIOUS, AND CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE OF GALLUP Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus: As we embark on a new year and...

Pope Francis tweet supports, prays for US pro-life march

Vatican City, Jan 22, 2014 / 09:04 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis sent a tweet offering support for the annual March for Life in...

Bishop Wall: Catholic Schools have “the opportunity to encounter the Living Christ”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz1_1dJwoXs] On January 16, 2014, Bishop James Wall spoke on the importance of Catholic Schools and the duty of students, parents, and teachers to...

Saints for Today: Anthony, Abbot (241-356)

Feast Day: January 17 Anthony (Antonius) comes from ana, above, and tenes, holding, meaning one who holds on to higher things and despises worldly things....

USA Today to Obama admin: Leave Little Sisters Alone

Washington D.C., Jan 14, 2014 / 04:34 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The editors of USA Today have urged the Obama administration to stop trying to...

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Southwest Catholic Youth Conference: calling young people to a joyful life in Christ

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Farmington parishioners recount “joyful” experience at Guatemalan school

A personal account of the new friendship between a Guatemalan school and a parish in the Diocese of Gallup.

Unsure of What Prayers to Say Next Time You Go To Adoration? Try These!

Many saints had favorite prayers and reflections they turned to - perfect for the next time you pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament!