Bishop’s Golf Classic, September 26


The eighth Annual Bishop’s Classic Golf Tournament will take place on Friday, Spetember 26, at Piñon Hills Golf Course. All proceeds will benefit students attending Catholic schools and religious education programs in the Diocese of Gallup.

This year, prizes will be awarded to first through sixth place teams. In addition, each golfer has a chance to win $10,000 on our Hole-in-One. The tournament features separate awards for men and women for both the Longest Ball hole and Closest-To-The Pin. Each golfer will receive a custom embroidered golf shirt. Breakfast is being provided by Jet West Geophysical Services.

The Tournament includes an awards luncheon at the Farmington Knight’s of Columbus Hall catered by Si Señor Restaurant. Raffle prizes include a grass fed steer donated by Archunde Farms and a luxury bedroom or dining room set contributed by Gene’s Rent-to-Own of Farmington.

Please join Bishop Wall for a great day of golf, food and fellowship. To sign up, call Amanda at Catholic Peoples Foundation at 505-726-8295.


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