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Wednesday, March 12, 2025


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Saints for Today: Martin of Tours, Bishop (317-397)

One of the most famous episodes in Christian history is told of Martin on a cold winter day, cutting his own cloak in two and giving half to a shivering beggar.

Saints for Today: Charles Borromeo, Cardinal (1538-1584)

In the face of the Protestant challenge, Charles energetically dedicated himself to implementing the reforms promulgated at the Council of Trent

Saints for today: John of Capistrano, Priest (1386-1456)

So successful was Father John in his preaching that after one of his sermons more than 100 young university students entered the Franciscan Order.

Saints for Today: Isaac Jogues and Companions, Priests and Martyrs (Mid-17th C.)

Forced to live as a slave among the Mohawks, Jogues began to teach them the rudiments of Christianity.

Saints for Today: Vincent de Paul, Priest (1580-1660)

His temperament was such that he could never turn away from a person in need, no matter what the need was.

So You Want to be a Saint?

There is a lot of background work that must be completed before the Church declares a person to be with God in Heaven, that is, declares them a saint.

Saints for Today: Joseph of Cupertino, Priest and Mystic (1603-1663)

Creditors drove his mother out of her home, and she was forced to give birth to Joseph in a stable.

Saints for Today: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1st Century)

Mary, the Mother of God, Mother of Jesus, and wife of St. Joseph, is the greatest of all Christian saints.

Saints for Today: John the Baptist, Prophet and Martyr (c.30)

Like his protégé Jesus, John fearlessly and fatally courted controversy.

Saints for Today: Rose of Lima, Virgin and Religious (1586-1617)

Rose also played guitar, wrote poems, and created collages to represent her mystical encounters with Christ. She was examined by several members of the Inquisition, who concluded that she was not a heretic.

Saints for Today: Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr (1894-1941)

Maximilian stepped forward, saying: “I am a Catholic priest. I wish to die for that man. I am old; he has a wife and children.”

Saints for Today: Eusebius of Vercelli (283-371)

A native of Sardinia, Italy, Eusebius was born to a family who had suffered persecution for their Christianity.

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