CC044: “Infinity War” – How Marvel’s Fictional Villian Thanos Represents a Real-World Evil


(Just a heads-up: there is a massive Spoiler Warning on this episode. If you haven’t seen Avengers: Infinity War or don’t want certain plot points revealed, come back to this episode after you’ve experiences the movie.)

“Avengers: Infinity War” isn’t just a summer smash hit, but also a movie with deep parallels to ethical questions faced by modern society. Marvel has been laying the groundwork to “Infinity War” for a decade, and has now introduced one of the greatest comics villain of all time: Thanos, who seeks to kill half the population of the universe.

And in their struggle against Thanos, the Avengers present a worldview consistent with Catholic teaching: that even a single life is worth fighting for.

Topics Discussed:

1:35 – Quick plot recap
03:40 – Thanos and similarities to modern population control movements like eugenics
07:31 – The heroic answer to Thanos and a culture of death
12:30 – How a culture of death destroys the family
13:56 – Cap vs Iron Man
16:00 – Looking ahead to the next Marvel installments
19:30 – Iron Man and living with a disability

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Thanks for listening!

Outro music: Deep Frost by Remus


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