Friday News Briefs: Bishop’s Golf Classic Raises $15,000; Pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Germany; Upcoming Fiestas and more


Bishop’s Annual Golf Classic

The 12th Annual Bishop’s Classic Golf Tournament, held every year at the Piñon Hills Golf Course in Farmington, raised $18,000 this year for the Catholic Peoples Foundation. CPF supports several missions in the Diocese of Gallup – specifically, Catholic Schools, seminarian education, and maintenance of church buildings throughout the Diocese.

“All of us at the Foundation deeply appreciate the support of our players, donors, volunteers and the people who made this year’s event a success,” said Herb Mosher, director of the Foundation, in a letter to event participants.

The first place team included Jimmy Voita, Mike Voita, Pete Krumholz and Ernesto Sanchez. The second place team included Bill McCarthy, David J. Rodriguez, John Hansen and Andy Roach. A team from St. Mary Parish in Farmington, comprising Whitney Howle, John Archibeque, Dan Casey and Doug Sprague won the St. Andrew Traveling Trophy, a new 2018 prize. Each team could play for their parish, with the winners taking the trophy for display in their church until the following year.

Pilgrimages to the Holy Land and the Oberammergau Passion Play

Holy Land – Fr. Dan Kassis is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on March 8-16, 2019. To register, fill out this form and make a $500.00 deposit payable to Glory Tours no later than October 31st and buy insurance.

El Padre Dan Kassis va a presidir una peregrinación a tierra santa en Marzo del 8-16, 2019. Para Registrarse tomen una forma. Hacer el deposito de $500.00 a Glory Tours a mas tardar el 31 de Octubre y comprar un seguro.


Join Fr. Raymond Mahlmann for a pilgrimage to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, including attendace of the world-famous Oberammergau Passion Play. Date: August 12-22, 2020. More info:

Mission Trip to Guatemala

The parishes of Bloomfield and Blanco are excited to announce a mission partnership with Escuela Integrada, a Christocentric school serving children who live in poverty in the villages surrounding Antigua, Guatemala.

Beginning in January 2019, St. Mary and St. Rose of Lima parishes will be the sponsors of the Kindergarten classroom. Their gift to the school will be $1000 a month, which will finance the Kindergarten teacher’s salary, classroom supplies and other expenses. In addition, a small group from the parishes will visit the school each year in person on an annual mission trip.

Learn more about the school at The inaugural 2019 Mission Trip will take place from February 10-17. Space on the mission team is limited to 15 people. For more information, email Fr. Josh: [email protected]

Mark your calendars for Fall Parish Fiestas!

St. Teresa Parish, Grants – November 3-4

Description:Featuring a raffle, silents auction, booths (Christmas, jewelry, fall), food, and more! For more information call 505-240-3128 or 505-240-1188.

Sacred Heart Cathedral – November 04 at the Sacred Heart School Gym, Park Ave.

Join Gallup’s oldest family festival! Now with the 1st Annual Mush Ball tournament on Saturday Nov. 3 and Sunday, Nov. 4 (call Gloria at 505-906-1307 for more info)

Featuring Raffles:

  • $10,000.00 Calcutta Raffle
  • $2.00 raffle 12+ prizes
  • Hope Chest
  • Christmas Tree


  • Traditional Turkey Dinner
  • Filipino
  • Mexican
  • American
  • Specialty Koffe Klatch
  • Specialty Pastries
  • Smoothie Bar

Specialty Pastries:

  • Povitica
  • Pizzelles
  • Banket
  • Baklava
  • Biscochito


  • Linen
  • Christmas
  • Ring Toss
  • Baked Goods
  • Cake Walk
  • Dine out
  • Book
  • Plants
  • Kids’ Games
  • Music
  • Goldfish
  • Photo
  • Religious


  • Dance Teams
  • Mixed Martial Arts
  • TLC Tumbling
  • Cheer

Farmington Turkey Shoot – November 17

The Knights of Columbus invite you to their Annual Turkey Shoot Bingo. All cards are $0.10 each, 20 games to be played 19 turkeys will be given as prizes. Game 20 winner will get a complete turkey and ham dinner. Door prizes & raffles. All drinks, popcorn & pumpkin pie: $0.25. Saturday November 17, 2018 at Knights of Columbus Hall, 305 North Orchard, Farmington, NM.

Vocations Office Update

From Fr. Josh Mayer, Vocations Office Director: “We currently have three seminarians studying for the Diocese of Gallup, two of whom are new to our program this year. Aaron Alford (2nd year) from Ontario, Canada, Luciano Diaz (1st year) from Farmington, NM and Peter Scheck (1st year) Florida. The address to reach our seminarians is: (name) 7625 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43235. Our men love to hear that they are supported & receiving prayers from the people they are called to serve. I remember when we would receive letters from people who were praying for us—it was always encouraging. Our favorites were letters and pictures from our school kids!”

Got a news tip or event to share? Send it to [email protected] or call 505-863-4406 ext. 20. We’d love to hear from you!


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