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Friday News Roundup: Holiday Festivals, Unapproved Political Efforts, Soil Revitalization Workshop, and More!

Must Read

Suzanne Hammons
Suzanne Hammonshttp://dioceseofgallup.org
Suzanne Hammons is the editor of the Voice of the Southwest and the media coordinator for the Diocese of Gallup. A graduate of Benedictine College in Kansas, she joined the Diocesan staff in 2012.

Upcoming Holiday Festivals and Fundraisers

Blanco and Bloomfield, NM – Christmas Greenery Sale

The Knight of Columbus are selling their Christmas Greenery following the Masses at St. Mary and St. Rose. They sell beautiful wreaths, table runners, bows and other beautiful items for Christmas. The sale will continue through November 7th.
For orders, please contact Kevin Serrano at 505- 793- 0442.

Farmington, NM – Knights of Columbus Turkey Shoot

Date and Location: 305 N. Orchard Street in Farmington, on November 19, 2022. Doors open at 5:00pm. Turkeys are the Bingo Prizes, and slices of pumpkin pie will be sold!
Gallup, NM – Basket Bingo for Catholic Charities
Date and location: Sunday, December 11th at 1:00 pm at the Gallup Community Service Center. Christmas attire is encouraged!
There will be a $20 entry fee, which includes 20 games – 1 bingo card per game, and 5 grand prize baskets for $5/game, not included in entry fee. Please note: Cash only!
Bring a new pair of socks, gloves or a beanie for a free chance to win a basket!
For more info, call 505-722-4407
Heber and Overgaard, AZ – Holiday Food Drive
Help feed those in need this holiday season! Most needed items include: canned vegetables and fruit, cranberry sauce, mixes, canned soup, cereal and oatmeal, peanut butter, flour, sugar, pasta and rice.
Place items in Christmas-wrapped boxes in participating businesses and churches throughout the area. Drive ends Dec. 1.
More info: Call 480-321-5830 or to donate funds to H0CFB, P.O. Box 3058, Overgaard, AZ 85933
Overgaard, AZ – Holiday Bazaar
November 19th from 9:00 – 4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Baked goods, crafts and handmade items, and much more will be available!
Snowflake, AZ – Holiday Bazaar
Come enjoy the holiday bazaar, November 11th and 13th in the community hall!


Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference Release Statement on Unapproved Political Efforts

In light of the upcoming election on November 8th, the Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference are aware of different organizations and publications calling themselves “catholic,” but that do not represent the Catholic Church.  These organizations cover various ends of the political spectrum and often engage in partisan political endeavors.

It should be pointed out that Canon 216 of the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law stresses that no initiative can lay claim to the title “catholic” without the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority.  The use of the name “catholic” implies that the initiative in some way represents the Catholic Church.  Hence the competent authority–in most instances the local bishop–must give permission for any entity, endeavor, or movement to call itself “catholic.”  Those who do so without permission are in violation of Church teaching and law.

We must stress that the Catholic Church is always politically non-partisan.  Moreover, it is worth recalling that the Catholic Church has a long tradition of our beliefs influencing our personal politics–not our personal politics trying to influence our faith.  When we reverse those two, we place ourselves outside the tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church.

For an official reflection from Arizona’s Catholic Bishops on the upcoming election, people are urged to click on this link: https://youtu.be/-J_FTbPgVLI

Most Rev. John P. Dolan
Bishop of Phoenix                      

Most Rev. Edward J. Weisenburger
Bishop of Tucson

Most Rev. James S. Wall
Bishop of Gallup

Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted
Apostolic Administrator, Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy

Volunteers Needed for Northern Arizona Holiday Food Distributions

Americorps Instructor Sought for St. Francis School in Lumberton, NM

Soil Revitalization Workshop in Gallup

We are pleased to invite you to a workshop on “Soil Revitalization and Gardening” at Villa Guadalupe given by James & Joyce Skeet of Spirit Farm.

The workshop will include a power point presentation followed by hands-on demonstrations on the grounds of Villa Guadalupe.

Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Time: 9:30 am to 12:30, followed by Lunch
Place: Villa Guadalupe (Little Sisters of the Poor), 1900 Mark Avenue, Gallup
RSVP: Please confirm your attendance by calling 505-870-7137

The Friday news roundup presents a quick overview of Catholic stories and events from around the Diocese of Gallup, United States, and world. Have a news tip or event to promote? Email [email protected], call 505-863-4406 or mail us at PO Box 1338, Gallup NM 87305.


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