Annual Men’s Vocations Retreat Set for August 1-3


Annual Discernment Retreat for young men 

High school through College age, (or beyond!). 

-The retreat entails conferences, Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a hike with Bishop Wall, and visit to the retired priests and residents at the Little Sisters of the Poor.

-It begins Friday Evening (register 5-6pm), and ends Sunday Morning after Breakfast and Mass.

-Retreatants who are under 18 will need a permission release from a parent or legal guardian. Please ask your pastor for one, or download by clicking here.

Retreat Schedule (Click to download)

For more information, please contact:

Fr. Keller (505) 722 6644
[email protected]
Look for Gallup Vocations Office on Facebook


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