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Thursday, March 6, 2025

All Stories

CC091 – Get Ready for Lent!

Don't worry if you don't feel prepared - Lent is an opportunity, not a burden.

“This is what Heaven is like”: Family Recalls Experience of the National Eucharistic Congress

"Being a Eucharistic people doesn't end at the end of Mass or at the door of the adoration chapel."

Declaración de los Obispos de la Conferencia Católica de Arizona sobre los recientes temas de inmigración

Se ha escrito y afirmado mucho sobre el ministerio de la Iglesia Católica hacia los migrantes, refugiados y solicitantes de asilo.

Catholic Bishops of Arizona: Statement on Recent Immigration Issues

"Congress must create an immigration system that is humane, sustainable, recognizes the human dignity of all, and is true to our great Nation’s founding principles."

“Your neighbor isn’t just the person sitting next to you”: Lumberton Community Fosters Refugee Family

"As a Catholic school, it's important for us to live what we preach."

CC090: Don’t Let the Jubilee Year Pass You By

Can't make it to Rome? Try visiting the 6 designated sites in our Diocese!

Friday News Roundup: Raffles, NM Pro-Life Rally, and more!

Plus: Obituary for Sr. Mary Thurlough, DC

Popular Stories

Southwest Catholic Youth Conference: calling young people to a joyful life in Christ

“We strive to teach teens of their inherent dignity, and incomparable worth as a son or daughter of God."

Farmington parishioners recount “joyful” experience at Guatemalan school

A personal account of the new friendship between a Guatemalan school and a parish in the Diocese of Gallup.

Unsure of What Prayers to Say Next Time You Go To Adoration? Try These!

Many saints had favorite prayers and reflections they turned to - perfect for the next time you pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament!