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Friday, July 19, 2024

All Stories

2nd Annual Spanish Market Will Celebrate Traditional Southwest Religious Art and Culture

This big a collection of artistic masters is hard to find all in one place outside of the plaza in Santa Fe.

Priestly Ordination Set for June 4th

On Saturday, June 4, 2016, Bishop James Wall will ordain Deacon Robert Badger to the priesthood.

Saints for Today: Dymphna, Martyr (7th C. AD)

The king unleashed his own sword and cut off the head of his own beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter.

Chapter 11 Filings, May 2016

Click to view: Notice of Disclosing Professional Fees and Expenses for January - March 2016 Debtors' First Amended and Restated Plan of Reorganization Dated March 21 First Amended...

“Humanae Vitae” More Pertinent than Ever: Pope Paul VI’s prophetic encyclical reconsidered

The goodness of family and marriage is written on our hearts; everyone longs for family and intimacy.

Santa Maria de Acoma Feast Day

Each year on the first weekend in May, the people of Acoma pueblo come together to honor the Virgin Mary with a feast day...

Annual Blue Mass Honors Police and First Responders

"As first responders, you are instruments of God’s peace."

McCartys Feast Day: a Celebration of Pueblo History and Culture

It was standing-room only at the May 1st feast day celebration of Santa Maria de Acoma mission in McCartys, NM.

Popular Stories

Farmington parishioners recount “joyful” experience at Guatemalan school

A personal account of the new friendship between a Guatemalan school and a parish in the Diocese of Gallup.

Southwest Catholic Youth Conference: calling young people to a joyful life in Christ

“We strive to teach teens of their inherent dignity, and incomparable worth as a son or daughter of God."

The 6 Best Lenten Smartphone Apps

While Catholics have been observing Lent for thousands of years, it's only in the 21st century that we've gained access to the vast wealth of information and convenience that smartphones provide.