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Friday, July 19, 2024

All Stories

No Doctrine Change From Pope Francis – But a Call for Better Pastoral Care

“It is a matter of reaching out to everyone, of needing to help each person find his or her proper way of participating in the ecclesial community."

From the Bishop: Diocese Nears Chapter 11 Settlement

It is the responsibility of the Church to see that the survivors of sexual abuse are justly compensated for the suffering they have endured.

Saints for Today: Marie Alphonsine, Religious (1843-1927)

Sister Marie was an outstanding catechist and educator and a tireless apostle.

Chapter 11: Plan of Reorganization Documents

Debtor's Plan of Reorganization Disclosure Statement on Debtor's Plan of Reorganization Motion for Order to Approve Disclosure Statement Order on Disclosure Statement and Procedures Motion

“We Just Want to Take Care of Our Residents”: The Little Sisters Fight for Their Future

The Little Sisters of the Poor have refused to comply with a government mandate that violates their religious conscience. Now, their case is appearing before the Supreme Court.

Saints for Today: John of the Cross, Priest (1654-1734)

Some of the many miracles ascribed to him include levitation and levitation of his walking stick, apparently witnessed by a church full of people.

Obtaining an Indulgence Through One of the Diocesan Holy Doors

What better time to gain a plenary indulgence than during the Lenten season? For the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has sought to make...

Saints for Today: Walburga, Abbess (710-779)

Walburga’s bones began to secrete a manna called “pearls,” a clear, tasteless and odorless liquid described as resembling fresh water and said to have great medicinal powers.

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Farmington parishioners recount “joyful” experience at Guatemalan school

A personal account of the new friendship between a Guatemalan school and a parish in the Diocese of Gallup.

Southwest Catholic Youth Conference: calling young people to a joyful life in Christ

“We strive to teach teens of their inherent dignity, and incomparable worth as a son or daughter of God."

The 6 Best Lenten Smartphone Apps

While Catholics have been observing Lent for thousands of years, it's only in the 21st century that we've gained access to the vast wealth of information and convenience that smartphones provide.