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Friday, July 19, 2024

All Stories

Ft. Defiance Parishioners, Clergy Plan Church’s 100 Year Celebration

"People are taking hold and getting involved. It's reawakened our pride."

Saints for Today: St. Jude, Apostle & Martyr (1st C.)

In modern times St. Jude has acquired considerable popularity as ‘patron of hopeless cases.’

Saints for Today: Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop (1807-1870)

Anthony’s reforms angered many, resulting in an attempt on his life.

Saints for Today: John Leonardi, Priest (1541-1609)

John Leonardi, founder of the Clerks Regular of the Mother of God, was born in Italy, and was educated as a pharmacist.

What to Expect From This Year’s Synod of Bishops

This year’s ordinary synod will reflect on the theme “Jesus Christ reveals the mystery and vocation of the family”.

Diocese Hires New Chief Financial Officer

Bob Horacek, a native of Grants, welcomes the opportunity to serve the people of the diocese.

Saints for Today: Wenceslaus, Martyr (907-929)

Wenceslaus was such a devout and pious ruler that his enemies said he belonged in a monastery rather than on the throne.

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