30 F
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

All Stories

Saints for Today: Joseph of Cupertino, Priest and Mystic (1603-1663)

Creditors drove his mother out of her home, and she was forced to give birth to Joseph in a stable.

Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tClPw1TYnzA]

“Be Still and Know That I Am God”: Benedictines in the Gallup Diocese

Mostly what the nuns appreciate about the desert landscape of the Gallup Diocese is the time it provides for reflection and quiet.

Saints for Today: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1st Century)

Mary, the Mother of God, Mother of Jesus, and wife of St. Joseph, is the greatest of all Christian saints.

Diocese of Gallup to file for Chapter 11 Reorganization

"I have determined that filing a petition for Chapter 11 Reorganization for the Diocese of Gallup is the most effective and thoughtful course to take in light of the claims from those who were harmed."

Saints for Today: John the Baptist, Prophet and Martyr (c.30)

Like his protégé Jesus, John fearlessly and fatally courted controversy.

NM Bishops’ Statement on Doña Ana County’s Issuance of Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples

This is a significant matter that affects society at large and as such is one that is best decided through the legislative branch of government.

Saints for Today: Rose of Lima, Virgin and Religious (1586-1617)

Rose also played guitar, wrote poems, and created collages to represent her mystical encounters with Christ. She was examined by several members of the Inquisition, who concluded that she was not a heretic.

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