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Wednesday, March 12, 2025


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The Biblical Case for the Papacy | Sunday Homily

Bishop Wall examines the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 16, in which Jesus designates Peter as the first Pope.

Saints for Today: Catherine of Siena

When the Black Death plague pandemic swept Europe and Catherine’s community of Siena, she devoted her life to nursing, caring for the most seriously ill and those with cancer and leprosy.

Saints for Today: Josephine Bakhita, Religious Sister (1869-1947)

Kidnapped and sold into slavery at the age of seven by Arab slave traders, this Sudanese child received the name Bakhita, meaning “fortunate,” from her captors.

Saints for Today: Anthony, Abbot (241-356)

Anthony became the disciple of a local hermit. When this proved not a strict enough way of life, he retired farther into the desert for twenty years and became known for his innumerable miracles.

From the Bishop: Why Priests (and Laity!) Should Make a Holy Hour Every Day

A daily hour of companionship keeps us from wandering far from Christ, and keeps us rooted in His truth.

Saints for Today: John Paul II, Pope

John Paul II was so unrestrainedly loved, not just among Catholics but also beyond the Church.

Saints for Today: Our Lady of the Rosary

The development of the rosary goes back many centuries and contains a unique history.

From the Bishop: Revised Order of Sacraments to Begin in Fall 2019

"I consider it crucial that our youth receive the strength of the sacrament of Confirmation as soon as possible to assist them in their lives."

Saints for Today: Bernardine of Siena, Friar (1380-1444)

Bernardine preached at great length, sometimes for as much as four hours. For nearly a quarter of a century he crisscrossed Italy on foot, calling people to repentance.

Saints for Today: Matthias, Apostle & Martyr (1st c.)

Matthias was appointed an Apostle following the betrayal and suicide of Judas Iscariot

Bishop Wall Tells New, Old Catholics: “The Good News of the Resurrection is Meant to Be Lived”

"The resurrection is the stamp that validates everything that Jesus did and said."

From the Bishop: Lent, a Perfect Opportunity to Offer Prayers and Works in Defense of Life

What better time to participate in fighting against a culture of death than during the season of Lent?

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