A first unofficial assignment for Fr. Avella was to learn 20 new words in English every day. Now, he serves seven parishes and missions in the Diocese of Gallup.
The testimony leaves many questions unanswered, and I believe the claims within should be properly investigated in order to shed light on what appears to be much darkness.
We still have much work to do, especially we bishops, who are called to act as your shepherds but have, in many cases, allowed the wolves to run rampant among our flocks.
The Executive Committee has established three goals: (1) an investigation into the questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick; (2) an opening of new and confidential channels for reporting complaints against bishops; and (3) advocacy for more effective resolution of future complaints.
John and Jeanette Suter may not be able to have biological children, but the Church's teaching on marriage and family still gives them comfort and guidance.