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Saturday, March 8, 2025


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Obispo James S. Wall: Carta Pastoral Sobre el Abuso: Una Crisis Nacional

No hay lugar en la Iglesia para ignorar el pecado,  por cuidar más nuestra reputación que por seguir a Cristo sin miedo.

From the Bishop: Letter to the Diocese of Gallup Regarding the Recent Abuse Crisis

We still have much work to do, especially we bishops, who are called to act as your shepherds but have, in many cases, allowed the wolves to run rampant among our flocks.

President of USCCB Announces New Effort to Combat Misconduct by Bishops

The Executive Committee has established three goals: (1) an investigation into the questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick; (2) an opening of new and confidential channels for reporting complaints against bishops; and (3) advocacy for more effective resolution of future complaints.

Open to a “Broader Definition of Family”: How a Diagnosis of Infertility Changed One Catholic Couple’s Life

John and Jeanette Suter may not be able to have biological children, but the Church's teaching on marriage and family still gives them comfort and guidance.

Called to “Radical Self-Giving”: How One Family Lives Out the Church’s Teaching on Family

"This lifestyle fulfills that essential Christian mission of being radically generous with our lives."

Announcement of Death of Douglas McNeill, Former Priest of the Diocese

To the people of the Diocese of Gallup, The Diocese of Gallup has been informed of the passing of Douglas McNeill, found deceased in his...

Diocesan Receptionist, Ella Roanhorse, Retires After 32 Years of Service

As Ella retires, she discusses her family, faith, and how Catholicism has impacted her life.

Meet Your Newest Priest, Fr. Mitchell Brown

Born and raised in Grants, Fr. Mitchell now serves his home Diocese as its newest priest.

Arizona Catholic Conference Bishops’ Statement on Separating Families at the Border

"The separation of children from their parents in these situations, whether as a means of punishment or deterrence, is inhumane and entirely unacceptable.


Father, Daughter Undertake 2800 Mile Walk For Life Across United States

John Moore and his daughter Laura are over 400 miles into a coast-to-coast walk for life. John carries a wooden cross an average of 12 miles per day while Laura scouts roads and provides water and food.

Sr. Rene Backe Retires as Retreat Center Director; Sr. Sofia Lee Becomes New Director

Sr. Sofia Lee will take the over the helm from Sr. Rene Backe, who served as the retreat center director for several years.

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