CC033: The “Richness and Radical Demands” of Catholic Education


“It is no exaggeration to say that providing young people with a sound education in the faith represents the most urgent internal challenge facing the Catholic community in your country.”

These words were spoken by Pope Benedict XVI in a speech to certain U.S. Bishops during a visit to Rome. Bishop Wall was present for the speech, and brought the spirit of the pontiff’s words back with him to the Diocese of Gallup.

As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2018, this episode reflects on the challenging and abiding call of the Church in saturating the faith in all aspects of Catholic education.


Discussion points:  

1:05 – What is Catholic Schools Week?

04:34 – Bishop Wall’s 2012 meeting with Pope Benedict

06:40 – Catholic education must evangelize in all subjects

08:54: The intellectual richness and radical demands” of the Catholic faith

12:30 – Bringing the words of Pope Benedict back to the Dicoese of Gallup

14:00 – Bishop Wall’s annual visit to schools throughout the Diocese

16:00 – Annual student essay contest

17:30 – Bishop Wall’s biggest priority for catholic schools

18:43 – Want to become better acquainted with the published works of Pope Benedict? Bishop Wall recommends starting here

19:50 – Why consider Catholic schools?


Useful links:  

Pope Benedict XVI’s full speech on catechesis


Send us your questions!

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