CC040: Humanae Vitae, Part 2


In the second part of our dual series on Humanae Vitae, Bishop Wall takes a look at the positive outcomes predicted by Pope Paul VI, and how Catholics who remain faithful to the teachings of the Church experience high levels of marriage stability and happiness.

Topics Discussed:

Recap of Pope Paul VI’s four predictions, and possible positive outcomes:
2:10 – Marriage and fidelity
4:20 – Combating a lowering of moral standards in society
06:35 – Respect for women
08:55 – God and government
15:31 – Pope Paul VI’s upcoming canonization
20:35 – God sends the right leader for the right time
22:05 – How Humane Vitae has influenced Bishop Wall


Humanae Vitae: Full encyclical
Pope Paul VI As Prophet: Have Humanae Vitae’s Bold Predictions Come True?
Forced abortions and China’s missing women

Note: The overall number of abortions obtained, both worldwide and nationally, is a broad statistic to attack. In the United State we have seen the numbers decrease somewhat since 2010, but overall many abortions are still obtained by women who had used some form of contraception. Link 1 Link 2
The troubling history of birth control
Vatican Congregation Approves Miracle Attributed to Pope Paul VI
NFP and Catholic Marriages

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