Everything Happening During Catholic Schools Week 2018


January 28 – February 3 is National Catholic Schools Week! Here’s how we’re celebrating in the Diocese of Gallup:

January 31:

St. Francis School, Zuni: Parents are invited to a special Liturgy at 10:30 Wednesday morning.

Phoenix, AZ:  Celebrate the many ways our Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed! All are welcome at the diocesan Catholic Schools Week Mass at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, 6351 N 27th Ave., Phoenix, on Wednesday, Jan. 31. Mass will be followed by the annual Arizona Catholic Schools Rally at the State Capitol.

Sacred Heart School, Farmington: Mass Day, Picture after Mass , Penny Wars (All grades including Pre-K), Saints Bingo (Once students are back in their classroom.)

February 02:

St. Francis School, Zuni: Faculty/Student Basketball Game scheduled for Friday afternoon at 1:00.

Sacred Heart School, Farmington: 

  • 8:15 Mass (Students may wear their Spirit Shirts.
  • Penny Wars immediately following Mass (All grades including Pre-K)
  • Saints Bingo (Once students are back in their classroom. If needed)
  • 9:30- Positive Picketing
  • 10:15 -Rosary Release
  • 11:05- Lunch for all kids
  • 11:50- cupcakes and Recess (all kids)
  • 12:30ish – Movie in the Gym
  • 12:30- Lunch for the Teachers
  • 2:30-Penny War Winners, Students and Teacher of the year awards.

February 06:

Special podcast featuring students from Sacred Heart Catholic School in Gallup, NM.

February 12:

Catholic Schools Mass & Celebration: Sacred Heart Cathedral at 10:00. Celebrated by Bishop Wall and followed with lunch and grade level activities at the family center.

Check back here for more school updates as we receive them throughout the week!


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