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Friday News Roundup: 2023 Spanish Market; August Men’s Retreat, and more!

Must Read

Suzanne Hammons
Suzanne Hammonshttp://dioceseofgallup.org
Suzanne Hammons is the editor of the Voice of the Southwest and the media coordinator for the Diocese of Gallup. A graduate of Benedictine College in Kansas, she joined the Diocesan staff in 2012.

Bishop’s Anniversary Mass

Please join us to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination for Bishop Wall! Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 11:00 am at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 415 E. Green, Gallup, NM 87301.
A reception will follow at Sacred Heart School.
Please RSVP to Vera Placencio at [email protected] 505-863-4406.

Spanish Market/V8s

Mark your calendars!

This year’s V8’s for Vocations raffle car is a 1957 Chevy 210 Post with BelAir Trim. Under the hood sits a 350 c.i. Crate Motor and an automatic transmission. This car is white, with white leather interior and has Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Four-Wheel Power Disc Brakes and American Racing Wheels.

The drawing will be held on June 10, 2023. While you’re there, check out the Spanish Market!

Religious Sister Jubilees


Two Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph (Maple Mount, Ky.) who served in Farmington are among 14 Ursuline Sisters celebrating anniversaries of religious life in 2023.

Sister Naomi Aull is celebrating 80 years as an Ursuline Sister. Formerly Sister Mary Benigna, she taught at Sacred Heart School from 1945-48. A native of Knottsville, Ky., she was also a teacher for 32 years in Kentucky, Missouri and Nebraska. She provided outreach for parishes in Louisville, Ky., from 1977-2002. After she retired to Mount Saint Joseph, she became a volunteer caregiver for the Ursulines in Saint Joseph Villa. Today, she is retired and active in the Powerhouse of Prayer.


Sister Louis Marie “Luisa” Bickett is celebrating 75 years of religious life. A native of Roseville, Ky., she was a teacher and principal at Sacred Heart School from 1950-61, and 1963-65, and principal and teacher at St. Joseph School, San Fidel (1962-63). She also served in Kentucky and in South America. From 2013-19 she was a quilter for the Ursuline Sisters Quilt Club. She is retired at the Motherhouse and is active in the Powerhouse of Prayer.

Jubilarian congratulations may be sent to 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

Founded at Maple Mount in Daviess County, Ky., in 1874, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph currently minister throughout Kentucky and in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Chile, South America. Visit us online at ursulinesmsj.org

Sisters of St. Agnes

Sr. Barbara DeBoo

First Profession:

Brookfield, IL

Stories from Ministry
A year or two after making my final vows in 1969, I was at the motherhouse
for a meeting. Mid-afternoon I went to the dining room for a cup of coffee,
Sr. John Baptist, then General Superior, was at a table with a few sisters.
She called me over and asked me, “Do you know you are supposed to be
dead?” “No” I answered “and I’m glad I didn’t know.” “Yes” she answered.
“None of the doctors thought you would live to make your final vows.”

Words of Advice
I treasure life in all its forms. As each day unfolds, I welcome the blessings
no matter how small, that reveal themselves and I give thanks. Some
days hold moments of darkness and I have learned that even those dark
moments hold a blessing waiting to be revealed.

A Blessing to Share
I have been blessed to have lived in nine different locations for ministry
during these past 60 years. The sisters with whom I lived and ministered
were and are very special gifts in my life. I learned so much from those to
whom and with whom I worked, prayed with, and laughed and cried with. I
am still learning from them.

How the CSA Charism Inspires Me
The CSA charism inspires me to continue embracing each day with a spirit
of gratitude and joy for the blessings and challenges that will be revealed.
Every morning I ask Jesus to show me how I can be his partner.

Benedictine Sister Vows

“On April 23, 2023, Bishop James S. Wall celebrated the Mass and Rite of Solemn Profession of Sister Maria Mercy.

“The Mass included beautiful hymns in Vietnamese. The vow formula that was signed by Sister Mercy, the Prioress and the Bishop states that in response to Christ’s call and preferring nothing to His love, promise Stability, Conversion of Life and Obedience according to the Rule of our Holy Father Benedict and the Constitutions of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert, Gobernador, New Mexico, until death. With her whole heart and relying on the grace of the Holy Spirit, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the support of my community, she offers herself to God to seek the fullness of love in his service and that of the Church through the ministry of prayer and worship.

“Please pray for Sister Mercy and our community for perseverance! God bless you. – Sr. Kateri, OSB”

Men’s Retreat

The Friday news roundup presents a quick overview of Catholic stories and events from around the Diocese of Gallup, United States, and world. Have a news tip or event to promote? Email [email protected], call 505-863-4406 or mail us at PO Box 1338, Gallup NM 87305.


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