News Roundup: Fall Festivals; AZ Bishops Support Tuition Relief for Undocumented Students; Benedictine Monastery Turns 10


Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference Statement on Tuition Relief for Undocumented Students at Public Universities

The Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference (ACC) applaud today’s action by the Board of Regents that will provide tuition relief for more Arizona high school graduates who are undocumented immigrants and are seeking to enroll in our public universities.

Today’s action allows these students, as well as other Arizona high school graduates who have left the state, to join immigrant students who are in the DACA program and pay a much lower tuition rate that reflects the actual costs at our public universities. Practically speaking, this new tuition rate is substantially lower than out-of-state tuition, but remains higher than in-state tuition, which is prohibited under Arizona law.

This past legislative session the ACC was supportive of legislation that would have had a similar positive impact, but it was unfortunately not able to advance. With today’s development, however, we are glad that these undocumented students, who were brought here through no fault of their own, will now have more opportunities to better their lives after they graduate from our high schools and eventually become productive members of our society.

Most Rev. Edward J. Weisenburger
Bishop of Tucson

Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted
Bishop of Phoenix

Most Rev. Eduardo A. Nevares
Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix

Most Rev. James S. Wall
Bishop of Gallup

Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert Celebrates 10 Years

Approximately 12 Benedictine nuns live, work and pray in their monastery, located near Gobernador, NM.

These religious women follow the Rule of St. Benedict, which extols “Ora et Labora” – “Prayer and Work”. Each day they pray for the Diocese of Gallup and the special intentions of Catholics throughout the world. We are grateful for their presence in our diocese, and wish them many more years of growth and spiritual abundance!

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Parish Fall Fiestas and Fairs

St. Mary and St. Rose Lifeteen Holiday Craft Fair
Where: St. Mary Parish Hall, 307 N. Church St. Bloomfield NM
When: Saturday, November 16 from 9:00am – 3:00pm
Will feature dozens of vendors, posole, and food

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Fall Festival
Where: Our Lady of Guadalupe Family Center, 210 E. Arizona St., Holbrook AZ
When: Saturday, October 26 from 10:00am – 3:00 pm
Food, fun, games, and a raffle!

Aztec Parish Fiesta
Where: St. Joseph Parish, 424 N. Mesa Verda Ave, Aztec NM
When: September 21-22
Bingo, enchiladas, games, auctions, and a raffle!

San Rafael Parish Fiesta
Where: San Rafael Parish, 100 Guadalupe Plaza, San Rafael NM
When: Sunday, September 29

St. Teresa Parish Fiesta
Where: St. Teresa Parish, 213 Smith Street, Grants NM
When: October 19-20

Jubilees for Two Sisters Who Served in the Diocese

Sister Donna Stevens was born in Yuma, Arizona. She entered the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in natural science from Silver Lake College. She moved into the field of health care with a diploma in nursing from Holy Family Hospital School of Nursing in Manitowoc and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1989, Sister Donna transferred to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Sister Donna then entered into a new ministry with a master’s degree in education and community counseling from Loyola University of Chicago, Illinois. After completing an internship in clinical psychology at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, she earned a doctorate in psychology from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Argosy University Chicago, and served as a psychotherapist in Lewisville, Texas. Sister Donna then moved to Whiteriver, Arizona, to serve the White Mountain Apache Tribe; first as a domestic violence and adult clinician from 1997 to 2006, then at the Rainbow Treatment Center as a professional counselor from 2006 to 2014. Sister Donna is now the supervisor of Rainbow’s Butterfly Drop In Center.

A jubilee celebration was held at St. Rose Convent on June 15.

Based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration is a community of vowed Franciscan women engaged in furthering the work of the Catholic church and the Gospel. Their partners in ministry, including affiliates and prayer partners, join them in service of God’s mission. Together, they collaborate to minister in areas of greatest need, demonstrating that Gospel living is both contemplative and active. Visit FSPA online at

Sister Ruth Ann Eggering celebrates 60 years. The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis honored 18 jubilarians during a July 28 celebration at the motherhouse in Oldenburg, IN. Morning prayer, the Jubilee Mass, dinner and a reception were special events for the senior sisters.

One of the jubilarians who celebrates 60 years in religious life lived and ministered in Farmington from 1994 – 2005. Sister Ruth Ann Eggering served as staff nurse at San Juan Home Health Care, Presbyterian Medical Service Hospice and Northwest New Mexico Hospice. She later served in healthcare in Missouri. Sister now resides at the motherhouse in Oldenburg.

Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Awarded $3 Million

During her time with the country’s largest abortion provider, Rodriguez claims that she witnessed physician malpractice, illegal conduct of a doctor, falsification of affidavits and patient records, and failure to report a minor who had an adult partner.

The National Catholic Register reports that a Phoenix-area Planned Parenthood clinic failed to protect patients, and when a worker expressed concerns about safety practices, the clinic used her undocumented immigrant status as leverage against her. Read the full story.


The Friday news roundup presents a quick overview of Catholic stories and events from around the Diocese of Gallup, United States, and world. Have a news tip or event to promote? Email [email protected], call 505-863-4406 or mail us at PO Box 1338, Gallup NM 87305.


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