How students, teachers and parents are celebrating Catholic Schools Week 2017


“National Catholic Schools Week” is an annual celebration of our nation’s Catholic schools. Sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, the weeklong event seeks to promote Catholic education and engage students, teachers, and families in special activities and service projects.

The theme for 2017 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” National Catholic Schools Week will take place from January 29 to February 4. The following is a list of activities scheduled at various school in the Diocese of Gallup.


St. Francis of Assisi School, Lumberton

The Scholastic Book Fair will be open all week in the school library from 8 AM to 4 PM.

Wednesday theme: “Literacy Night”. This will include dinner and reading activities with the staff of the school.

Thursday theme: “Catholic Schools Week”. Our prayer service at 1 PM will focus on this theme. The final activity is for students – all grades will meet in the gym and have some fun-filled time organized by the eighth grade class.

We welcome all and invite you to come and visit us during Catholic Schools Week. We begin the school day at 8:00 AM and dismiss at 3:30 PM. For questions or more information, please call the school at 759-3252. We would love to have you visit!


St. Anthony School, Show Low

Monday theme: “In our community”. Includes a 1-Day Food Drive. St. Anthony Students will be collecting food for the St. Rita’s Food Pantry. Every student is asked to bring peanut butter & pop top cans of fruit, veggies and meat. Also includes a Campus Clean Up – classes will be asked to do a campus sweep to pick up trash around our school.

Tuesday Theme: “In Our Students”. A basketball game vs. Vernon Huskies (@ Vernon – 3:30pm) will take place.

Wednesday theme: “In our nation”. We will hold a “Flag Coloring Contest”. Teachers will pick the student with the best colored flag in each of their classes and turn it in to the principal for a prize.

Thursday theme: “In Our Vocations”. Teachers can lead discussions that include the following questions/points: How can our work reflect our faith? What is God’s plan for us? How can our careers be part of that plan? Do you pray to be aware of God’s purpose for you? Do you think God might want you to serve as a priest, brother or sister? This will be followed by a Bowl-a-Thon – K through 3 at 8:45am. 4th – 8th at 10:00am.

Friday theme: “In Our Faculty, Staff, & Volunteers”. We will have our 1st Semester Awards Assembly at 8:30 am in the Hall.

Saturday Packet – All students will be given a packet to take home for Saturday (…In Our Families). A special prayer, activity, and information about posting a family picture on the school Facebook page.

Big ones helping little ones

Sacred Heart School, Gallup

Monday: Support staff appreciation day. Door decorating contest, hall decoration, service activity, and students will write letters to support staff

Tuesday: Parent appreciation day. Parent/student ice cream social at 2pm, and students will write letters to Bishop Wall.

Wednesday: Clergy appreciation day. Mass at 9:00 followed by a reception honoring Fr. Keller and Fr. Josh.

Thursday: Student Appreciation Day. Special events: workshops on art, knitting, Irish dance, and music.

Friday: Catholic School Appreciation Day. Special events: door decorating contest voting, dance with St. Francis school and open house from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.


Sacred Heart School, Farmington

Monday: Penny wars begin

Tuesday: Penny wars continue

a) Sports Day- Students can wear their favorite sports team- professional, college or local

b) 1:00pm to 2:30PM – Students will decorate wooden crosses – This is part of the Community and Service portion for them. Crosses will be given to senior homes later. Students will put what they have learned about their Catholic faith on a piece of heart paper, which will be put on a wall – This is part of the Knowledge portion of this year’s theme

Wednesday: Penny wars continues after Mass. Mass. Picture after Mass of all the students in the shape of a cross inside the church.

Thursday: Penny wars continues. Free Dress Day for Students and Crazy Hair day. Donuts and Coffee, will be provided for the teachers in the morning.

Friday: Mass for first Friday of the month. Spirit Day for the school.

After Mass:

– Penny Wars

– Positive Picketing- Right after mass

– Rosary shaped Balloon release- Right after the positive picketing is over

– Assembly- immediately after the Balloon Release

– Teachers will head to their teacher’s appreciation lunch

– Afternoon- Volunteers will handle lunch for the kids, then get them to the parish center for a movie.


You can find out more about National Catholic Schools Week at


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