My Dad the Coach – Lessons on Sportsmanship and Leadership from my Father


Coach Wall was a model of many virtues, especially self-control and living out the Faith. Growing up, Bishop Wall and his two brothers played football for their dad’s teams, and the lessons they learned from their father carried over into adulthood. Bishop Wall also discusses his favorite current coaches and athletes who exemplify virtue on and off the field.

Topics Discussed:

02:35 – How sports can promote virtue
08:50 – Lessons Bishop Wall learned from his dad
13:05 – Current coaches who display excellent leadership
14:30 – How did Bishop Wall take the lessons he learned from his father’s coaching and apply it to his role as a Church leader?
18:09 – Famous athletes who exemplify virtue
23:30 – The importance of remembering the common humanity of teammates, opposing players, and fans


Thoreau Students Receive New Basketball Uniforms Through JJ Watt Foundation

Awesome picture of John Paul II:

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