Opinion: “We Must Think About Our Relationship With God and Others”


Photo: Sr. Paul Gallagher leads the retreat group in song. Photo: Sr. Josephine Goebel, CSA

The Lenten Retreat “To Turn Round Right” given by Sr. Paula Gallagher on April 5th at Sacred Heart Retreat House was a day of reflection.

The Opening prayer with movement to the song ”Create in Me” put us in place of quiet , yearning to take time to reflect.  A crucifix was passed around so we could quietly give all the worries and concerns of our daily lives to Jesus.  We were to be free of those for a few hours, knowing that Jesus and His Father with the Holy Spirit would take care of them.  The cross itself showing us that vertically  it was about our relationship with ourselves and God;  and horizontally it was about our relationship with others and the earth.

The first part of the day we were given time to think about our relationship with God.  Looking at how we took Sabbath time to grow more deeply in our relationship with God. The question being, “What would help us revive a spirit of the Sabbath in our lives?

We were asked to think about our relationship with ourselves. How we might need to look at how we balance our lives.  A challenge to believe that  we are enough and we have enough right now to do and be what we are called to do and be.

A song “We Will Be a Shelter for Each Other” started the period of time about relationships with others.   Are we people of non-violence, hospitality, forgiveness, joy and loving kindness?

Lastly, we took time to reflect upon our relationship with the earth. Do we look to the “common good” of the earth and its resources?

One did not go away guilty about the answers these questions, but alive with the knowledge of being loved by God.  A God who knows us, understands us and calls us to be and grow in His Way.

Sr. Zoe Brenner, SBS


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