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Friday, July 19, 2024

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CrosierCast Episode 02: What is the “New Evangelization”, Exactly?

The term "The New Evangelization" has become more and more popular in recent years, but what exactly does it mean?

Saints for Today: Simon the Apostle (1st Century)

In art he is often seen with a falchion type sword, which according to the tradition, was the weapon with which the heathen Jewish priests hewed him to death.

CrosierCast Episode 01: Keeping the Faith in a Contentious Election

In this first episode, Bishop Wall discusses how Catholics can fulfill their civic duties without violating their principals.

Arizona Catholic Conference: Surveying General Election Candidates

Candidates were asked to indicate support or opposition to a range of issues.

From the Bishop: Mother Teresa, An Icon of Love and Humility

Saint Teresa of Calcutta is the saint who, in our modern times, put a face on the virtue of love.

NM Bishops: Governor’s Advocation of Death Penalty is “Irresponsible”

"Our utmost priority must be to work together to protect and prevent harm to our children, not reinstating state-sanctioned violence. Violence does not end violence."

You Can’t Keep a Good School Down: St. Joseph’s Annual Gala Fuels Education in the Heart of New Mexico

"These kids are going to be the next generation, here in New Mexico."

Chancery Offices Will Officially Move Locations

Here is the full announcement from Bishop Wall: "September 12, 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am writing to you today to announce that our...

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