Arizona and New Mexico Rallies to Continue 45 Years of Peaceful Protests Against Legalized Abortion


Each January, hundreds of thousands of Christians, members of various faiths, and even non-religious and atheist groups travel to Washington D.C. for the National March for Life to peacefully protest against abortion and anti-life policies like euthanasia and assisted suicide.

For those who can’t make the trip to our nation’s capitol, there are many rallies held throughout the United States in coordination and solidarity with the national pro-life movement.

In the Diocese of Gallup, the Annual White Mountain March for Life will take place on Sunday, January 22nd in St. Johns Arizona. Participants will walk from City Park to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church for a screening of the documentary 40, which looks at the devastating legacy of decades of legalized abortion in the United States. The day will end with a candlelight march back to the park. Refreshments will be provided.

At the capitol in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the annual Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day will bring the three bishops and dioceses of New Mexico together for a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica in Santa Fe, followed by a peaceful march to the legislative Roundhouse. At the Roundhouse, a rally will be held with speakers and visits to legislators. Participants are asked to bring baby items for expectant mothers or toiletries and items for the elderly to the Mass for later distribution to pregnancy centers and nursing homes.


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