CC032: Roe vs. Wade, 45 Years Later


By now, many pro-life advocates are used to the common arguments used by proponents of abortion. “You only care about the clump of cells in the womb, and nothing for the woman after the baby is born” or “you have no right to legislate women’s bodies” are two that are often used.

But while these may make for a quick slogan to paint across a protest sign, they do not reflect the reality of abortion. They don’t take into account the children that will never be born and live full lives; the women and families who suffer very real physical and psychological effects after an abortion; a society at large that comes to view life and the disabled, the elderly, and the weak as expendable.

In this episode, Bishop Wall discusses the devastating legacy of legalized abortion, and the local and nationwide efforts of pro-life advocates dedicated to supporting women, the unborn, and life from conception to natural death.

Discussion points:  

00:50 – The annual Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day in New Mexico, when pro-life advocates and all three New Mexico bishops come together for a peaceful Mass and rally at the legislative Roundhouse in Santa Fe

03:32 – Abortion is a moral issue, not a political or religious issue

05:25 – Abortion is not the answer when faced with a disability

9:45 – Helping post-abortive women and families

11:18 – Famous 20th century people who spoke against abortion

15:10 – Local and national pro-life advocacy


Useful links:  

ISIS reportedly targets children with downs syndrome
Iceland close to becoming country where no children with Downs Syndrome are born
Sherry Boas: the Lily series (not an affiliate link)
Rachel’s Vineyard: Helping to heal after abortion
‘Jane Roe’ Made Abortion Legal. Then a minister made her rethink.
Alveda Scott King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr. and pro-life advocate
Was Martin Luther King Jr. pro-life?
Gandhi: anti-violence, anti-abortion
Dorothy Day: the perfect model for post abortive women
Christopher Hitchens on abortion
Lifeguard: a pregnancy center in Durango CO


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