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Friday, October 25, 2024

From the Bishop

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Statement from Bishop James Wall Regarding the Testimony of Archbishop Carlo Vigano

The testimony leaves many questions unanswered, and I believe the claims within should be properly investigated in order to shed light on what appears to be much darkness.

From the Bishop: Letter to the Diocese of Gallup Regarding the Recent Abuse Crisis

We still have much work to do, especially we bishops, who are called to act as your shepherds but have, in many cases, allowed the wolves to run rampant among our flocks.

Humanae Vitae Mas Pertinente que nunca: Releyendo la Encíclica profética del Papa Pablo VI

Dios nos ha dado un diseño para una vida matrimonial feliz. Hemos pasado más de 50 anos ignorándolo y vemos los resultados en una sociedad dañada. No podemos permanecer en silencio.

From the Bishop: The Prophetic Wisdom of Blessed Pope Paul VI

God has given us a blueprint for a happy married life. We have spent more than fifty years ignoring it, and we can see the results in a broken society. We can be silent no longer.

From the Bishop: This Lent, Give Your Heart to Christ, Who Loves You

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving afford us the opportunity to move beyond ourselves.

Saints for Today: Simon the Apostle (1st Century)

In art he is often seen with a falchion type sword, which according to the tradition, was the weapon with which the heathen Jewish priests hewed him to death.

From the Bishop: Mother Teresa, An Icon of Love and Humility

Saint Teresa of Calcutta is the saint who, in our modern times, put a face on the virtue of love.

“Humanae Vitae” More Pertinent than Ever: Pope Paul VI’s prophetic encyclical reconsidered

The goodness of family and marriage is written on our hearts; everyone longs for family and intimacy.

Bishop Wall on new Holy Father: “We heard the news of great joy”

"Please join me in supporting our Holy Father with our prayers, love and support."

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