62.4 F
Wednesday, February 5, 2025


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The 6 Best Lenten Smartphone Apps

While Catholics have been observing Lent for thousands of years, it's only in the 21st century that we've gained access to the vast wealth of information and convenience that smartphones provide.

Cursillo Movement Puts Piety and Faith into Action

These Catholics are using a decades-old tradition of piety, study, and community to put their faith into action.

Two Stories, One Vocation: Deacons Recall the Path to Ordination

Deacon Greg Carlson's life was dedicated to God before birth; Deacon Robert Badger found Catholicism after leaving Mormonism.

New Youth Ministry and Religious Education Director is Ready to Bring the Love of Christ to Diocese

I realized people aren't just hungry for food – they're spiritually hungry as well.

Two Men Ordained to Priesthood for the Diocese of Gallup

"After I saw the need for priests, I realized: I'm willing to do that, if God wants to send me."

Annual Region 13 Diaconate Conference Scheduled for July 10 – 12

The Region 13 conference, held in Farmington NM, is an annual gathering of Deacons from the Four Corner state and Wyoming. The purpose of...

Tohatchi Christmas Concert Honors Local and Filipino Cultures

By holding their annual Christmas concert on Gaudete Sunday, the parishioners and staff of St. Mary Parish in Tohatchi aptly fulfill the call for joy during the Advent season.

Newman Club Challenges Students to Keep the Faith

“Just because you’re going to college doesn’t mean you have to quit the faith. "

Annual Youth Conference Challenges Young People to “Answer” the Call of God

From the vast regions of the Four Corners they gathered – hundreds of middle and high-schoolers, accompanied by their parents and youth group leaders – to attend the third annual Southwest Catholic Youth Conference.

Little Sister Celebrates 70 Years of Religious Life

One member of the Little Sisters of the Poor has recently proved that a religious vocation is indeed a life-long - or even “long-life”...

St. Michaels School Chapel Obtains New Relic of St. Katharine Drexel

St. Michaels Indian School has long been a respected institution in the Diocese of Gallup, but one thing was missing – a relic of...

Annual Men’s Vocations Retreat Set for August 1-3

Annual Discernment Retreat for young men  High school through College age, (or beyond!).  -The retreat entails conferences, Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, adoration of the...

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