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Monday, March 31, 2025

Saints for Today

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Saints for Today: Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr (292-310)

When she refused to marry the emperor, he became enraged and condemned her to be tortured. He designed a spiked wheel that was supposed to tear her to pieces. But the machine miraculously broke apart and killed many onlookers.

Saints for Today: Cornelius, Pope & Martyr

The main issue facing Cornelius was the treatment of Christians who had denied their faith during the persecutions.

Saints for Today: Monica, Mother of St. Augustine (332-387)

This consolation experienced by St. Monica and her total abandonment to God can also be ours today if we persevere in patience and trust.

Saints for Today: Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot & Doctor of the Church (1090-1153)

He guided popes and kings, bishops and common folk. Because of him, the twelfth century is sometimes called the “Bernardine period.”

Saints for Today: Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious (1572-1641)

Francis de Sales called Jane “the perfect woman.”

Saints for Today: Martha, Holy Woman (1st c.)

Martha’s great glory is her simple and strong statement of faith in Jesus after her brother, Lazarus’ death.

Saints for Today: Joachim and Anne, Parents of Mary (1st Century)

For centuries the popular tradition about St. Joachim and St. Anne has inspired Christians with a message of God’s tender love.

Saints for Today: Paulinus of Nola, Bishop & Father of the Church (354-431)

Governor, husband, priest and Bishop: Paulinus led a life filled with virtuous leadership and was thought of as a saint even in his lifetime.

Saints for Today: Ephrem, Deacon & Doctor of the Church (306-373)

Ephrem was largely responsible for demonstrating that poetry and hymns could be a mode of theological discourse.

Saints for Today: Dymphna, Martyr (7th C. AD)

The king unleashed his own sword and cut off the head of his own beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter.

Saints for Today: Marie Alphonsine, Religious (1843-1927)

Sister Marie was an outstanding catechist and educator and a tireless apostle.

Saints for Today: John of the Cross, Priest (1654-1734)

Some of the many miracles ascribed to him include levitation and levitation of his walking stick, apparently witnessed by a church full of people.

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